Monday, September 30, 2013

Dollar Store Find

Dollar Store Find! 1. A bag of pom poms = $1 2. two thick textured glass jars = $2 3. a pair of tongs = $1 4. a little container as a home for this little activity = $1 Fine motor skills and hand eye coordination at it's finest here! Work on the dexterity of the hands to prepare for writing! Talk about and learn colors as you transfer the balls. Count the balls! Sort the balls! Don't forget to talk about the soft squishy texture of the pom poms and the hard ribbed texture of the glass jar and the smooth surface of the tongs. So why the glass jars...I chose the glass jars on purpose because the kids have a more narrow area to get the balls into, I like the texture and I also like the lids. The kids have to grip those little things and pull them off as you can see in the picture! So much learning in one little and CHEAP activity!

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